Early Recognition Solutions for Frequent Visitors to Gas Stations

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Target Audience
Gas station chains with loyalty programs (e.g., “Fishka”).
Major gas station networks are expanding their store and cafe services, making it essential to drive more customers to these zones. To achieve this, marketing teams require real-time visitor data: who they are, whether they’re regular customers, and which offers are most relevant.
  • Use video analytics to track all vehicles entering the gas station, including those that don’t refuel.
  • Identifyvisitor faces and match them with purchase data.
  • Build robust visitor profiles based on collected data.
To achieve the goals the ULA Video solution was implemented, including:
  • Vehicle Recognition
    Identifying make, model, color; optionally querying registration databases for engine type.
  • Facial Recognition
    Linking anonymous profiles to purchase history or loyalty cards.
  • Mathematical Modeling
    Matching customer profiles with vehicles based on repeat visits.
  • Audio Analysis
    Verifying fuel order accuracy, responding to unusual situations, and evaluating script adherence.
  • Profile Database Management
    Integrating profiles with purchase and vehicle history for further analysis.
  • Notification System
    Automatically alerting the marketing department about frequent visitors to initiate tailored communication scenarios.
Implementation Steps
  1. Gather client requirements and define key tasks.
  2. Design the solution tailored to client needs.
  3. Configure facial recognition and integrate with client systems.
  4. Set up video analytics and notification functions.
  5. Test and optimize the system.
Results of Implementation
  • Data Systematization
    Easy access to visitor information for further analysis.
  • Automated Data Collection
    Marketing gained tools to develop and test interaction strategies.
  • Loss Minimization
    Quick detection of fueling errors through audio and vehicle recognition.
  • Personalized Offers
    Using purchase history for relevant recommendations, increasing sales potential.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience
    Ensuring fast, high-quality interactions to build loyalty and satisfaction.
The ULA system has transformed gas station operations, making customer service more personalized and efficient.
By automating visitor recognition and their needs, the solution boosted store and cafe sales, optimized marketing activities, and improved the customer experience.