Intelligent solutions for the security of your city

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Mariupol City Police
The need to enhance city safety, ensure prompt response to incidents, and effectively monitor compliance with traffic regulations.
  • Implement a video analytics system for citywide monitoring.
  • Automate processes for detecting violations and locating vehicles.
  • Ensure rapid response to emergencies.
To address these challenges, the ULA Police solution was implemented, which includes:
  • Video Analytics
    Integration of over 200 surveillance cameras for real-time city monitoring.
  • Facial and License Plate Recognition
    Automatic detection and identification of individuals and vehicles on the wanted list.
  • Traffic Law Monitoring
    Recording violations such as speeding, running red lights, and illegal parking.
  • Crowd Analysis
    Detecting mass gatherings to prevent potential offenses and maintain public order.
Implementation Stages
  1. Client Needs Analysis
    Identifying key city security issues and system requirements.
  2. System Design
    Developing the solution architecture tailored to the city’s infrastructure.
  3. Equipment Installation
    Installing surveillance cameras and necessary infrastructure.
  4. Software Integration
    Configuring ULA Police software and integrating it with existing police systems.
  5. Staff Training
    Conducting training sessions for police officers on using the new system.
  6. Testing and Launch
    Ensuring the system’s functionality and putting it into operation.
Implementation Results
  • Enhanced Security
    Reduced crime rates and fewer violations in the city.
  • Prompt Response
    Faster police reaction time due to real-time monitoring.
  • Effective Search Operations
    Detection and seizure of over 800 wanted vehicles in 2021.
  • Traffic Law Enforcement
    Increased identification of traffic violations and improved driver discipline.
  • Reduced Human Error
    Automation minimized mistakes and subjective evaluations.
The implementation of the ULA Police system in Mariupol demonstrated the effectiveness of modern technologies inensuring public safety.
The integration of video analytics and automated control systems enabled the police to respondswiftly to incidents, increase public trust, and create a safe renvironment for city residents.